Checkout our new flyers !
Lion Gaming Solutions Arcade
1. Game version : 2. Information : 3. Qualification Process : 4. Server Settings : 5. Game settings : 6. Maps : 7. Screenshots : 8. Gameplay 9. Prizes 1x Cougar QBX Kaze case 1x Game Mania Goodie bag 1x Gamegear Official Cap Registration at the lanparty.
Sandberg Blur
1. Game version : Blur (R.G. Mechanics) 2. Information : One match will be played in a Free for all (FFA) format. 3. Qualification Process : There is a maximum of 8 players in each server (with an equal number of players on each server if possible). Depending on the number of players in the […]
Plantronics Rocket League 3v3
1. Game info : Title: Rocket League Size: 3v3 Max Teams: 64 2. Server settings : Team A creates a private game with these settings : Match Time: 5 Minutes Arena : DFH Stadium Team Size : 3v3 Bot Difficulty : No Bots Region : Europe Joinable By : Name/Password Name : CULAN “Team A”-”Team […]
Tt eSPORTS League of Legends 5v5
1. Game info Title : League of Legends Matchmode : Tournament Draft, Summoner’s Rift, 5on5 Team size : 5 vs 5 Tournament Type : Best of One (BO1) after cup BO3 Ban Mode: 1-1-1-1-1-1 (each team bans 3 champions) How to ban: The lower seeded team starts with the first ban Pick Mode: 1-2-2-2-2-1 […]
Tt eSPORTS & GameGear CS:GO 5v5
1. Introduction Title : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5 vs 5 Team-size : 5 Players 2. Teams & Participants When all players are registered for the team they are the only gamers who may play. A player may only play in one team. A clan may also register multiple teams but the players can not and […]
Speedlink Hearthstone 1v1
1. Game info Tournament Type : Groupstage + single or Double elimination brackets (depends on participants) Format: Standard format – BO3 (Finals are BO5) (No Wild format!) 2. Preparation Each player should have at least 3 decks. because in the semi finals and finals we play BO5 Other matches it is BO3 3. Cheating […]
Nacon Gaming FIFA 17 1v1
1. Game version : Fifa 17 for PC 2. Game settings : Game Type : Online league Team Level : Any Half Length : 6 mins Controls : Any Game Speed : Normal Squads : Online Defending : Tactical All players are obligated to use the predetermined formations from EA. Using a selfcreated formation is […]
Fractal Design Blobby Volley 2 1v1
1. Game version : Version 2 – 1.0 will be played. Download : 2. Information : One match of 2 rounds will be played. The rules used in Blobby Volley are standard volleyball rules. The game ends when one of the two players reach 15 (or more) points and also there is a two […]
BeQuiet CU-LAN Games
1. Introduction Every year the CU-LAN crew has a lot of fun imagining some crazy theme related challenges for 3 to 5 player clans. The result of their sick mind will be announced at the lanparty. #FunGuaranteed #NicePrizes #NoComputerNeeded #BallsGutsBraveryNeeded 2. Challenges Will be announced at the lan. 3. Compo-Admin The compo-admin is DrWeB. 4. […]
XFX Age Of Empires 1v1
1. General information All games will be played 1v1. The winner continues to the next round. 2. Game Version All games must be played in the latest version of Age of Empires II HD. Each player must check if his game is up-to-date before the match. 3. Game-setup Each player must ensure that his […]