1. General information :
- The compo-admin can edit the rules at any time. When he does, he will inform everyone the participants.
- Not being fair/polite towards the admin/crew/your opponents will result in disqualification. Respect your opponents at all time, when misbehaving you will be disqualified.
- All decisions made by the admin or any of the crew members are irreversible.
- If there are any problems, the compo-admin and the crew will always be ready and willing to help out.
- When there is a discussion you can’t solve on your own, the admin or crew will decide for their selves.
- The compo-admin & crew shout-casters can join the local servers at any time.
- If you believe your opponents are cheating or if you discover something that is definitely not allowed then you can ask for assistance at the compo-desk. The available compo-admin will then search for a solution, this can go from looking at demo’s to the banning of teams. When conflicting you need to have proof !!! Again, make sure your opponents cannot screenwatch.
- Any cheats/hacks are not allowed. If we suspect you of cheating, you and/or your whole team will be disqualified from the compo.
- Participants may only be in one team, switching between teams is not allowed.
- You must be available to play during the scheduled play times.
- The team-captain must contact the other team and arrange the match during the scheduled playtime. If the other team can’t play for some reason then you have to inform the compo-admin and a no-show will be addressed.
- If a match is interrupted by a general power cut or general network-problem then the game will be started all over after the problem has been resolved.
- On each map and each side you must make a screenshot of the score and this screenshot has to be kept during the whole event.
- The team-captains are responsible to inform the compo-admin of the scores.
2. Overview
- Game Version: FIFA 15 for PC
- Competition Method: 1 vs. 1
- Game Mode : Match mode
- Single Elimination
3. Specific Compo Rules
- Participants may only use the predetermined formations from EA. Using a self created formation is forbidden !
- Game Type : Online League
- Team Level : Any
- Half Length : 6 mins
- Controls : any
- Game Speed : Normal
- Squads : Online
- Defending : Tactical
- Free team-choice. All teams are allowed.
- Players are allowed to choose any controller settings they prefer.
4. Cheating and abuse
- The cheating and abuse policy applies to all CU-LAN ladders.
- Any cheating or excessive abusive behavior during a match will result in a forfeit loss.
- Cheating and/or using suspended players in matches results also in different kind of ladder suspensions.
- If both clans/opponents cheated, both clans/opponents get a forfeit loss.
5. Compo-Admin
- The compo-admin is Sentinel.
6. Prizes
- Fractal Design Define XL R2 Black Pearl Case
- One Ago Webhosting with .be domain